Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Counting flowers on the wall

Counting flowers on the wall doesn't bother me at all. Sitting round and watching Captain Kangaroo, now don't tell me, I've nothing to do.

I am not sitting around waiting on fantasy love affairs. Still haven't heard back from the guys after responding to their love letters. I guess I said the wrong things. Busy with the gardening. Picked some basil from the garden this morning and added it to the chicken and yogurt that I cooked to go along with my morning eggs. Sabroso! I fixed the chicken Indian style and it was fantastic. Got a whole case of free yogurt from the cafeteria when they closed for the year. They gave me a container but no one took them home so I took a case home with me since they were going to clean out the icebox today. I stayed at home because they were coming to appaise my house since I am trying to refinance it at a lower rate. We shall see in a couple of days.

I planted lilies and gladiolas in March and the lilies are blossoming. The apraiser said she planted some and the next year they really blossomed more. Hope I have as much good luck. I also hope she does me right since she said it was in great shape.

Going back to work for a day to catch up on some computer work that only secures my job even more. Others are worried but the boss is happy with my work and I told her about an idea and she was very supportive since it was a way to help the kids and improve scores. I am officially off for summer.

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