Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Fever

I am enjoying the nice Spring weather and the Spring Fever that goes with it. I have been working in the yard for a couple of days now. Well I worked in it Sunday by mowing the lawn and tilling the garden spot. I planted some seeds in the rearrangement of the garden spot. I didn't work yesterday since it was windy. I should have gone out and flown a kite. I did get out and buy some solar light for the walkway. I forgot to check them out last night.

I got out there and sewed some grass seeds along with some weed and feed to see if I can get the grass to grow in my yard. We will see. The birds that I have finally been able to attract will probably eat all the grass seeds too.

I know the fever has hit because I got out there and tilled up the other side of the house and will add some better soil when I get to run to Walmart. I am waiting for the AC man. I woke up to a cool house and turned on my thermostat to no avail. It was not working. I added some new batteries and it seems to work but no heat came on so I called the ones that came out in 2009 and owed me two trips. They are giving me a $30 discount since they did not come out in 2010 and I never called them. Hope they don't find something major. My luck they will. The unit is only 3 years old and they already changed a part the last time they came out. It was working then but now, who knows. It is 2 now and they are to come between 12 and 3 so I am waiting on the call and then I can go to Walmart.

While I was waiting I ordered some plants from a different Nursery. Two of the grapes and two several of the trees did not survive but I didn't save the original receipts so I just won't order from them again. I did order some fruit trees to replace the two that did not take root and a bunch of flower bulbs to put around the house in the tilled areas. We shall see.

The roses are full of leaves and I sprayed them today to kill the fungal rust that is on a couple of the plants and this will be the first full summer for the ones in the backyard.

The pictures show some of the changes I have gone through.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Chimera

Yin and Yang

They say there are two sides to every argument. Like I tell the kids, "I'm a lover and not a fighter!" Most of the time I keep my opinion to myself but sometimes I have been questioned and many times they did not like the answers they have gotten. If you don't really want the truth then don't ask the question. Then again, I never said I would tell the truth. The truth is usually guarded and I will give you what I expect you want to hear or something I think I can get away with saying.

I am a creature of habit most of the time but then on occasion I am liable to change, especially if I feel that you are trying to figure me out. My secrets are my own and I will either approve or disapprove. Sorry I do not really need your opinion, for that is what it is, only your opinion and it may coinside with mine or it may not. Many times it does not but I might go along with you just so I don't rock the boat. You are entitled to your opinion even if I feel you are wrong. Oh and by the way if it disagrees with mine then it is wrong. That is just my opinion.

I am a Jack of all trades and a master to none. I am happy with this. I do not have to master things or the situation, in fact I like being the follower instead of the leader of the pack. Born during the time of the blustery winds this Wolf can run with the pack or can be happy as a loner.

It is late and I should be in bed since I am a responsible person and aim to do my best at work so I should be at the top of my game by getting enough sleep. Later